Science of Education

Reflection- What has this module taught me, and why it has meant so much

Posted on: April 21, 2013

Before starting this module, I had spoken to Jesse along with a friend and discussed our selection in the module. We both had different views; she wanted to be marked on the blogs alone but not do presentations, whereas I requested to be marked alone on my presentations, not what I’d rambled on about in my blogs. However, due to not being allowed to do this, I had to get on and write a blog that I would be marked on, solely. As the first week approached I panicked in my lack of ability to write grammatically and critically of other peoples work. But it’s as they say- practice makes perfect! As the weeks went on, the blogs got easier, and subsequently the increase in my grade did as well. This module, due to the frequent demand to be blogging has allowed me to enhance my writing ability (sometimes it did induce a bit of crying) but I got there.


I’d never had an issue with giving presentations, always being one of those being in POPPS that did not worry about standing up and giving an impromptu speech on the most random of things. But as this module began to mean a lot to me, so did the speeches. Trying to put across my thoughts on something I had become highly involved it made me feel that I had to do it well. The idea of being filmed and for that video to be put on YouTube sounded like me worst nightmare to start with but after the first time this thought dropped away. This was only until I had to watch back the videos and listen to an awful Brummie accent on tape. In saying this I do still think that the use of all the technology possible that is at the touch of a button should be used; it makes our presentations extremely final and ensures that you put some form of effort in (and I don’t just mean doing your hair and make-up well). It increases your level of confidence inevitably.


Although at the start the work load seems immense, once you have gotten into a routine this work load just becomes normal. If there was a final exam the work load would just appear at the end of the semester in the few weeks leading up to it, where we have all discovered that cramming is not that effective, so I think a constant work load that is, dare I say it, enjoyable makes this a pleasure. I am now dreading the thought that in a few weeks there will be no need for me to be looking at research papers and others blogs, and more so the fact that I will not be able to easily access full research papers online. I mean, why has it taken for my final semester in university to enjoy what I’m looking at?


I have thoroughly enjoyed every moment of this module and will recommend for any student to sign up to this module; in fact, I already have to some current second year students. It allows for you to tackle your problem areas and to enhance your confidence overall.

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